Myths are one of the longest form of stories that have been
around in our times. And most myths follow basic principles, yet each give
their own flare and twist to their stories. The Woman Who Fell From the Sky is a myth that came from the Americans – to be more
specific, the Iroquois speaking nation. A basic story about how the land was
made, this myth follows guidelines and traits of many myths, including good and
evil, gender roles and stereotypes, as well as spirits and beliefs.
In a brief synopsis of the story, there are two worlds, the
upper world in which the Divine Sky People lived upon, and the lower world,
which was covered by Great Water where the animals who adapted to the water
lived. There was no in between these two worlds, besides darkness, which was
the separator of the two. Long story short, Atahensic, a sky person, became ill
and was told the only to overcome her disease was to be placed by and overcome
by a great corn tree. Which then turned into the tree itself dying, Atahensic
to fall down the hole the tree had created, making her fall down into the lower
world, where she was then rescued by the animals (Rosenburg 627). Overtime, the lower world
became a livable place through many characters in the story, which is where the
describing comes in.
In most myths, as stated above, there are gender roles and
stereotypes. For instance, in this story, as well as many other stories, women
are seen as the creators the earth itself, as well as all of the natural plant
life and nature - where as men are the creators of the physical aspects of a
world, the makers and shapers of the wildlife and animals around. The Woman
Who Fell From the Sky is no different. When
Atahensic was falling from the sky, she was rescued by Loon, who floated her
down to safety upon a raft made from the water life. Once the raft became weak,
it was time to find a new place of rest for Atahensic, which is where Great
Turtle comes in and uses his shell as her resting place. In order for the land
on his shell to become bigger, parts of the earth down below the ocean must be
retrieved, and once spread upon his shell, the land became bigger and bigger.
Sky woman, AKA Atahensic, was the one given the earth remains, to create an
earth for all to live on. Through her strength and power of spreading more and
more earth upon the shell, she was the creator of the Earth itself once it
became Great Island (Rosenburg 628). "She plays a central role
in creation." (Myths Encyclopedia). This whole thing basically resonates with the concept of
Mother Nature, Sky Woman is mother nature, the creator of the Earth and nature
for all to live. Mother Nature, also known as Mother Earth, focuses on the
giving of life and nurture, just like women are essentially the givers of life,
as well as the nurturers. Now when it comes to the men being the creators of
wildlife, this is no different for Good and Evil Twins, sons of Sky Woman’s
daughter who passed away in the birth of the twins due to complications with
Evil Twin being disruptive when it came to the birth, but, we will get to that
later. As the story goes on and the Earth begins to grow, the wildlife being to
appear, created by the Twins themselves. However, Evil twin is the creator of
the bears, wolves, panthers and foxes, making them harmful to the Eagwehoewe
people to survive once living on the land (Rosenburg 630), and the Good Twin created the small
animals, the loving elks, deer, rabbit and birds (Rosenburg 631). By them creating these
animals for the Earth, they fir the stereotype and gender role of the male
figurines as the creators of the wildlife.
Beyond the roles in this myth, there is the Good and Evil
aspect, just like there is a hero and a bad guy in every story. In this case,
we have the Good and Evil Twins. Starting from conception, each twin had their
own persona, the Good wanting to come into the world the natural way, where as
the Evil wanting to come out of the pit of his mother’s arm, causing her death (Rosenburg 628).
From then on, their personalities were made. One was light, one was dark. With
this, the darkness between the two worlds was something Good Twin wanted to
fix, he didn’t enjoy living in the darkness, where as the Evil Twin wanted to
keep it the way it was, stating, “Do not be absurd! Our word is good enough as
it is! Leave it alone!” Also, the Evil Twin had an evil imagination, which is
where the creation of mountain ridges on Great Island were evolved. Even those
these are beautiful to look at, they are hard to walk upon, making it difficult
and very mischievous of him. Where on the other hand, Good Twin created the
light to light up their world, as well as changing up the creations the Evil
Twin had made to make them more sustainable to every life form on Great Island (Rosenburg 629).
With this, we see the difference in pure and innocent and sneaky and
mischievous, which is why in the end, the Good ends up “winning.”
In the end, the twins decide they are to different to live
in a world where they both want different things, so a race is held and whoever
wins gets to keep and create the world the way they want it to be, as well as
make a decision on what happens to the other brother (Rosenburg 632). This part reminds me of
the Tortoise and the Hare, where it is not the same as slow and steady wins the
race, but the pure hearted one wins, the one who finds the good in everything
is the achiever, and the negative one is the loser, facing eternity one way or
another. Which comes to the belief and spirits. The beliefs and spirits of the
pure, nurturing souls want what is best for everyone, as well as will do
anything in their power for peace and land. Whereas the evil only want the
satisfaction for themselves, which lead to greedy and selfish moves on their
part, kind of like achieving gold in some myths, where people kill their own
family to gain more power and gold, they don’t have the right mindset.
From here I would like to point out the archetypes in this
myth, which, “Typically, archetype means
a perfect or typical specimen, or, in Plato (427-347 BCE), an
original model or pattern or prototype. In the arts, archetype refers to a constantly recurring symbol or motif.” The
Woman Who Fell From the Sky is filled with
these, which is why it makes it so relatable and easy to understand. In this
story I feel there are two Mentors, one from each world. First
off would be the medicine man from the Upper World, who gave his knowledge in
medicine, letting Atahensic survive her disease. The nest one would be Great
Turtle, for he is the one who lent his shell for the Earth to be created on. He
was the mentor who lead Sky Woman in the right direction. However, the Great
Turtle can also been seen as the Shapeshifter for this exact reason. Next, I would like to point out the mixture of The
Shadow and the Trickster, both who would
be Evil Twin, for he is mischievous and the dark of the story. When it comes to
the Good Twin, he is different the archetype of The Maiden, or the
Innocent, for he is as pure as the wind
and only wants the best for not only himself, but more importantly, the people
and creatures around him. And Lastly, The Mother, which of course would be Atahensic, or Sky Woman,
for she is there to create the earth and nurture those upon it.
With this in mind, The Woman Who Fell From the Sky is a classic and should be read by every human being
for it shows the pureness in out earth and people, as well as shows the evil as
well, teaching us how to stay away from it. If I could relate a story or character
to relate to this story or plot I would suggest Pocahontas, for one will see
the pureness in her soul, as well as the nurture in her spirit, and the Earth
Mother who feels it all as the tree of life.
Rosenburg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. 3rd. Chicago: NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group, 1999. 627-633. Print.
Rosenburg, Donna. World Mythology: An Anthology of the Great Myths and Epics. 3rd. Chicago: NTC/Contemporary Publishing Group, 1999. 627-633. Print.
"Woman Who Fell From the Sky ." Myths Encyclopedia . N.p., 2012 . Web. 14 Mar 2012. <>.
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